Feeding of the 5000 commentary on the book

With jesus showing compassion and contributing his time and. The scripture below details the account of how five loaves of bread and two fish became enough to feed 5,000 with leftovers. The first miracle, feeding of the 5,000, is reported by all four gospels. The feeding of the 5000 turns out to be as important symbolically as is it is factually. What is the meaning of the 12 and 7 baskets left over from christs feeding of 5000 and 4000 in the gospels. In jesus feeding of the five thousand, we find a continuation of the understanding of metaphor to the church. Andrew reports the finding of the boys lunch while it was as yet. However, the miracle of feeding the 5,000 teaches us 6 helpful principles for a productive ministry. What do we see demonstrated in jesus feeding of the 5,000. They had seen his power multiply a few loaves and fish to fill the hungry crowd. The story of jesus feeding the 5,000 is found in all four gospels.

With jesus showing compassion and contributing his time and food, he wants others to follow his lead and do the same. The deeper meaning of the feeding of the 5,000 daily. The feeding of 5,000 according to john knowable word. The feeding of the 5000 alludes back to the time in the wilderness when god provided manna for the israelites. The first feeding is of 5,000 people and the subsequent one is of. It was not a miracle of sharing or anything similar to that. In the feeding of the five thousand, andrew mentions that the boy had barley loaves. Any food that they had brought with them had been eaten by this time, and they had nothing to sustain them on. He wanted to teach them a lesson in faith and submission. Teaching a wellknown story of jesus feeding the 5000, one that id. It is a wonderful event in which jesus actually provides.

In this event and another similar one, jesus multiplied some loaves of bread and fish many times over to feed a huge crowd of hungry people. In this story, we can see certain steps we must take in solving our own problems. Final exegesis paper on feeding the five thousand matthew. Activities include a play, a fingerprint project, a coloring picture and a memory verse. Feeding the 5000 60 second bible stories ep14 youtube. As early as albert schweitzer, this event has been seen as an anticipation of the eschatological feast. He said, here is a boy with five small loaves of barley bread. Handing out sandwiches on the beach is one way were trying to bring a famous bible story alive for the 21st century.

He has the group of 5,000 divide themselves up into 100 groups of fifty each. Now jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book. What can we learn about jesus or about the christian life through the feeding of the 5,000. There are many reasons for lack of productivity in ministry and i cannot address all of them in a sermon. Aug 05, 2014 the feeding of the multitudes was clearly important to the gospel writers since, aside from the resurrection, it is the only miracle recorded by all four evangelists. Christs miracle of feeding the five thousand is unique in that it is the only one that. Apr 12, 20 the feeding of the 5,000 was more than a dinner miracle to impress the gathering. In the bible story of jesus feeding the 5,000, we see the doubt of jesuss disciples and the provision of god through a miracle. To feed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish is indeed. For example, matthew and luke each take only 8 verses to recount the feeding of the 5,000, but mark stretches the tale to 15 verses.

I encourage you to undertake a study of the biblical use of numbers, number in scripture a book by e. At first, jesus miracle of feeding the 4,000 matthew 15. The story tells us to be compassionate for the needy, and to provide them with the sustenance of god. Whats the difference between the feeding of the 4,000 and the 5,000. Feeding the five thousand daily exegesis bible commentary. Our study of the word of god again this morning is taken from the fourteenth chapter of matthew, that first gospel.

According to matthews gospel, when jesus heard that john the baptist had been killed, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. However, it is important to note that both matthew and mark record two different feedings of the multitude. Oxford bible church, headington oxford, a lively,international, evangelical, charismatic church. When christ fed the masses that day, he began with only five barley loaves and two.

But i think most interesting and applicable to my life was the response of the apostles. The evangelists often omit details but they always specify the numbers in these episodes. Summary, lessons and study may 9, 2014 jack wellman patheos explore the worlds faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality. The deeper meaning of the feeding of the 5,000 daily reflection. Part of the gospel of john, verse by verse bible study with bible background commentary. Christ amplified the meager provisions that were brought to him, and similarly, god amplifies our gifts, money, and talents when we bring. Obviously, the gospel writers considered this a significant miracle. Interesting that there were 12 tribes of israel and 7 tribes of canaan. What is the meaning of the parable of the fig tree. This miracle when jesus feeds 5000 is the only one recorded in all four gospels, with each account containing only slight differences in details. By teaching them, jesus was a kind and loving shepherd who took care of them. The bible says the people in the crowd were like sheep without a shepherd, which means they were lost and confused about life. Created and animated by jon taylor music by moritz schmittat maddie played by lizzy watts. The apostles are sent out, bearing spiritual power and the message of the kingdom, just as the churches do today.

Final exegesis paper on feeding the five thousand matthew 14. One needs to look no further than this story to understand the meaning of. Jesus had sent the twelve on their first missionary journey and upon their return began to relate all the wonderful things that had happened. Sermon on jesus feeding the five thousand kevin cauley analyzes this miracle of jesus in which he feeds 5000 men plus women and children. Bullinger being a good reference to help get you started. In the first half of the book, those works involve healing and calling disciples.

Through christs miracle of feeding the 5,000, god demonstrates that he is big enough to shatter all of our finite expectations and abundantly provide for our needs. The miracle matthew describes in todays passage, the feeding of the five thousand 14. What the bible says about feeding of 5000 bible tools. Although the people accept jesus as a prophet, they associate his miracle of feeding the 5000 with the miracles of moses, when the children of israel received manna on a daily basis. As is frequently the case the numbers given in these accounts are spiritually significant. Jesus feeds the five thousand is the only miracle by jesus thatisrecorded in all four gospels, and they all vary somewhat in their accounts. Oct 03, 2016 the feeding of the 5000 may be so familiar to those raised in church and sunday school that we miss the practical lessons found in this story. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of god, and healed those who needed healing. I opened the door for jesus to move the discussion beyond manna to. Then he took them with him and they withdrew by themselves to a town called bethsaida, 11 but the crowds learned about it and followed him. It is a separate incident from the feeding of the 4,000.

Sometimes god uses the unexpected to open our eyes to his power. Author bsfcl1 posted on january 18, 2014 categories uncategorized tags bible miracles, bsf miracles, bsfblog, bsfnotes, bsfonline, compare feeding of the 4000 with 5000, did jesus eat with gentiles, feeding 400 gentiles, feeding of the gentiles, jesus miracles, lessons from miracles 1. Each gospel has a different reason for jesus feeding of the 5000. Contrasts between the feeding of the 5000 and the 4000. Both matthew and mark describe the event as separate and apart from the feeding of the 5,000 at an earlier time. There is so much more to this miracle than demonstrating that jesus did something amazing. John leaves no doubt about why he wrote his gospel.

Jesus feeds the five thousand is the only miracle by jesus that is recorded in all four gospels, and they all vary somewhat in their accounts. What lessons can we learn from jesus feeding of the 5,000. And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. The feeding of the 5000 is a symbolic miracle in which jesus departs to a lonely place and provides a crowd with miraculous food in the wilderness. Why is the miracle of jesus feeding the five thousand 5000 the only miracle recorded in all four gospels. Join maddie and tom as they retell the biblical story of when jesus fed the 5000. Thousands of people gathered in a remote place where jesus was teaching and healing them. The feeding of the 5,000 was more than a dinner miracle to impress the gathering. Orthodox teaching on the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 duration.

Whats the difference between the feeding of the 4,000 and. It is always important for us to read the passage in the context in which it is found. Aside from the resurrection, the story of jesus feeding the 5,000 is the only miracle recorded in all four gospels. The story of jesus feeding the 5000 has a message and meaning that still holds true to this day. Although the people accept jesus as a prophet, they associatehis miracle of feeding the 5000 with the miracles of moses, when the children of israel received manna on a daily basis. In the quiet hillside community of bethsaida, darkness was falling and stomachs were grumbling. It provided a connection to gods provision of israel during their wilderness wandering with moses. Feeding the multitude is a term used to refer to two separate miracles of jesus reported in the gospels. Mark launches into part 2 of the book, designed to show themand uswhat sort.

Jun 12, 2009 there are many reasons for lack of productivity in ministry and i cannot address all of them in a sermon. Commentary on mark 6 jesus feeds 5,000 and walks on water. The story of jesus feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fish is the only miracle. I opened the door for jesus to move the discussion beyond manna to the messiah and his present ministry as the bread of life. Jesus feeds 5000 bible story study guide thoughtco. From the story of the feeding of the 5000 we learn about 1 the ministry of jesus, 2 the methods of man, 3 the miracle of feeding. The story of jesus feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fish is the only. Indeed, complete understanding of miracles is beyond human capability to. The feeding of the five thousand was a genuine, supernatural miracle that could not have been accomplished by any natural means whatsoever. When sent to see what was in their larder, it appears that they had nothing at all. When the women and children were added, the crowd probably numbered 10,000 to 20,000. How much money is really enough a christian perspective on charity vs wealth. Apr 26, 2019 this miracle when jesus feeds 5000 is the only one recorded in all four gospels, with each account containing only slight differences in details. Learn more about these miraculous stories found in the bible.

The notes are very rough, but last time i led a bible study through mark, i tried to jot down some general points of discussion. A complete lesson on feeding the 5000 with scripted discussion and multiple activities to choose from. John gives it 64 verses, but remember that much of that is dedicated to the debate surrounding jesus identity. The miracle that follows is recounted in all four gospels, so the early church obviously considered the feeding of the five thousand to be an. When i broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of.

In the second half, they involve preparing for his death and, of course, dying. Study the bible online using commentary on feeding the five thousand. Everyone eats until they are satisfied and there is a great quantity which remains. The feeding of the 5,000 is also known as the miracle of the five loaves and two fishes. Dietary laws in matthew shows movement toward gentiles since israel was rejecting him. And in our study today, we come to a high point in the ministry. Was jesus feeding of the 5,000 really a miracle of sharing.

In the account of the feeding of the 5,000 found in matthew 14, mark 6, luke 9 and john 6, jesus feeds 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. The first feeding is of 5,000 people and the subsequent one is of 4,000. The feeding of the 5,000 appears in each of the gospels. Jesus feeds the 5000 bible story verses and meaning.

The bible records the famous miracle of jesus christ that has become known as the feeding the 4,000 in matthew 15. The feeding of 5,000 according to mark knowable word. Jesus feeds multitudes according to matthew and mark. Long says, the feeding of the 5000 is one of those events that is rich in meaning if read in context of the whole story of the bible. Jun 22, 2018 the bible records the famous miracle of jesus christ that has become known as the feeding the 4,000 in matthew 15. Passage study, miracles, faith, correct standards title.

Sample lesson from the youth journey program hands of love inherit the kingdom, level a, ages 36. The feeding of the 5000 is the only preresurrection miracle to be included in all four gospels, and you have to read all four accounts to get the full impact. Jan 25, 2017 in the bible story of jesus feeding the 5,000, we see the doubt of jesuss disciples and the provision of god through a miracle. There is a growing revisionist opinion among new testament scholars that the second miraculous feeding the 4,000 was done by the lord deep in the decapolis region, so that his ministry on this occasion was predominantly among gentiles. Listen to pastor robert furrow as he continues his series, i believe studying the foundations of our faith, picking up today in john 6, verse 1.

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